What Is the Dimensio of the Range of T if T Is One to One Mapping
The Kernel and the Range of a Linear Transformation
One to Ane Linear Transformations
Recall that a function is 1-1 if
f(x) = f(y)
implies that
ten = y
Since a linear transformation is divers as a office, the definition of 1-1 carries over to linear transformations. That is
A linear transformation Fifty is ane-1 if for all vectors u and v ,
L(u) = L(v)
implies that
u = v
Permit L exist the linear transformation from Rii to Pii defined by
L((10,y)) = xt2 + yt
We can verify that L is indeed a linear transformation. We now check that 50 is i-1. Let
Fifty(xi,yane) = Fifty(102,y2)
and so
xit2 + yanet = tentwotii + y2t
If two polynomials are equal to each other, then their coefficients are all equal. In particular,
ten1 = 10ii and y1 = y2
We can conclude that L is a i-1 linear transformation.
Let L be the linear transformation from Pi to R1 divers by
L(f(t)) = f(0)
So L is non a ane-1 linear transformation since
L(0) = Fifty(t)
0 1
The Kernel
Related to one-1 linear transformations is the thought of the kernel of a linear transformation.
The kernel of a linear transformation L is the gear up of all vectors v such that
L(five) = 0
Let Fifty exist the linear transformation from M2x2 to Pane divers past
Then to find the kernel of 50, we fix
(a + d) + (b + c)t = 0
d = -a c = -b
so that the kernel of Fifty is the set of all matrices of the form
Find that this set is a subspace of M2x2 .
The kernel of a linear transformation from a vector space V to a vector space W is a subspace of V .
Suppose that u and v are vectors in the kernel of L. Then
50(u) = L(v) = 0
We have
L(u + v) = 50(u) + (v) = 0 + 0 = 0
L(cu) = cL(u) = c 0 = 0
Hence u + v and cu are in the kernel of L. We tin can conclude that the kernel of L is a subspace of V.
In light of the above theorem, it makes sense to ask for a basis for the kernel of a linear transformation. In the previous case, a basis for the kernel is given by
Adjacent we show the relationship between i-1 linear transformations and the kernel.
A linear transformation L is ane-1 if and only if Ker(L) = 0 .
Let L be ane-one and allow v be in Ker(Fifty). We need to testify that 5 is the zero vector. We have both
L(v) = 0 and 50(0) = 0
Since L is 1-one,
v = 0
Now let Ker(L) = 0. And so
L(u) = L(v)
implies that
0 = L(v) - 50(u) = Fifty(v - u)
Hence v - u is in Ker(L), so that
v - u = 0 or u = v
and L is ane-1.
We have seen that a linear transformation from Five to West defines a special subspace of V chosen the kernel of L. Now we plough to a special subspace of W.
Let Fifty be a linear transformation from a vector space 5 to a vector space W . Then the range of L is the set of all vectors w in Due west such that there is a v in V with
L(v) = west
The range of a linear transformation L from V to W is a subspace of W .
Let wi and w2 vectors in the range of Westward. And so there are vectors 5ane and five2 with
L(5one) = westwardi and 50(v2 ) = w2
We must show closure nether addition and scalar multiplication. We have
L(v1 + 52 ) = L(5ane ) + 50(v2 ) = westwardane + west2
Fifty(c51 ) = cL(v1 ) = cwone
hence w1 + w2 and c w1 are in the range of L. Hence the range of L is a subspace of West.
Nosotros say that a linear transformation is onto W if the range of L is equal to W.
Let Fifty be the linear transformation from R2 to Rthree defined by
Fifty(v) = A5
A. Observe a ground for Ker(L).
B. Decide of L is one-1.
C. Find a footing for the range of L.
D. Determine if L is onto.
The Ker(L) is the same as the null infinite of the matrix A. We accept
Hence a basis for Ker(50) is
Fifty is not 1-1 since the Ker(L) is non the aught subspace.
Now for the range. If we allow {easti } be the standard basis for R2 , then
{L(e1 ), L(eii )}
volition span the range of 50. These two vectors are merely the columns of A. In general
The columns of A span the range of 50 .
A basis for the cavalcade space is L is given by the starting time cavalcade of A (the only corner of rref(A)). That is a basis is
Since the dimension of the range of A is ane and the dimension of R3 is 3, 50 is not onto.
A Few Theorems
In the last example the dimension of R2 is 2, which is the sum of the dimensions of Ker(L) and the range of L. This will be true in full general.
Let L be a linear transformation from Five to Due west . And so
dim(Ker(50)) + dim(range(L)) = dim(V)
S = {v1 , ..., vk }
be a basis for Ker(50). Then extend this basis to a total basis for 5.
T = {v1 , ..., vk , vk+1 , ..., vn }
We need to prove that
U = {50( v thou+1 k+1), ..., L(vn )}
is a basis for range L. If w is in the range of L so at that place is a v in 5 with L(5) = w . Since T spans V, we can write
v = c1 v1 + ... + ck five1000 + ck+1 vyard+1 + ... + cnorth vn
and then that
west = L(v) = 50(c1 five1 + ... + ck 5grand + cthou+ane 5k+one + ... + cn vnorthward )
= cone50( 51 ) + ... + ck L( v1000 ) + cm+1 Fifty( vk+1 ) + ... + cn Fifty( vnorthward )
= ci 0 + ... + ck 0 + cone thousand+ane L( 5k+1 ) + ... + cdue north L( vnorth )
= ck+ane L( fivek+1 ) + ... + cn 50( vdue north )
hence U spans the range of L. Now nosotros demand to show that U is a linearly independent set of vectors. If
cchiliad+1 L( vk+1 ) + ... + cn L( fiven ) = 0
0 = L(cone thousand+i vk+1 + ... + cn vn )
5 = cone thousand+1 5chiliad+one + ... + cnorthward fivedue north
is in Ker(50). But then five can be written equally a linear combination of vectors in S. That is
ck+1 vchiliad+1 + ... + cn vnorth = cane vi + ... + ck v1000
Which ways that all of the constants are zero since these are linearly contained.
We call the dimension of Ker(L) the nullity of 50 and the dimension of the rang of Fifty the rank of L.
Nosotros terminate this discussion with a corollary that follows immediately from the in a higher place theorem.
Let L be a linear transformation from a vector infinite V to a vector infinite W with dim V = dim Due west , and so the post-obit are equivalent:
1. L is one-1 .
2. Fifty is onto.
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Source: http://ltcconline.net/greenl/courses/203/matrixonvectors/kernelRange.htm
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